Prince William Conservation Alliance

PWCA is a nonprofit organization working to preserve, protect and enhance natural resources through stewardship, recreation and education, and increase community participation in stewardship activities. You can join online here or by mail to PO Box 6351, Woodbridge, VA 22192.

More info about what we do is online at
 Info on how to join is online at (donating any amount at all makes you a member). 

We have an e-newsletter that goes one monthly, sometimes twice a month. Members receive it automatically, others can send an email to to add their email to the list.

We have a ton of activities planned for spring (I hope I can keep up!). Our "signature" event is the Annual Bluebell Festival at Merrimac Farm on April 15. The webpage is but it's still from last year. That's a job for Monday.

We are sponsoring the Stream Stewards, a new program and I have high hopes for it so hopefully we can get the information out to enough people, which is always a challenge.

Conservation Landscape Work Day
Thanks to pwConserve, for Conservation Landscape Work Day picture.

We have the Conservation Landscape at Merrimac Farm and really really need some volunteers to help with that. We'll be adding an "Adopt a Patch" component, where people can take charge of caring for a specific area and get their name on a sign saying "Tended by whoever." I'm going to schedule a big work day mid-March and there will be others after that.

We are also sponsoring the Merrimac Farm Master Naturalist new session, which begins in March if we have enough people signed up.

Partridge berry in the moss
Thanks to pwConserve, for Partridge berry in the moss picture.

We'll also have a few tours of natural areas, such as Dove's Landing, and provide support for community land use issues as needed but those are the key activities coming up.

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